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Our Work

Some Of The Successful
Projects For Our Clients...

DL Tile Site Design

DL Tile needed a refresh on their website to showcase the stylish projects they've completed, and share the many recommendations and praise they've received from satisfied customers.

DL Tile Site Design

We simplified the visuals from the company's previous site to make it more approchable, and incorporated the colors of the logo in the design. A serif font was used to add weight given their long history and experience. Gallery example

DL Tile Site Design

To share the large number of photos from past projects, we used a carrousel with thumbnails, so a visitor to the site could see the breadth of DL Tile's work without needing to view each image. Gallery example

DL Tile Site Design

Pairing before and after photos side-by-side with glowing customer reviews gives visitors to the site a strong impression of the quality of DL Tile's work. Gallery example

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Houser Jewelry Sales Activation

Houser Jewelry was looking for an activation to help kick start their Valentine's Day sale.

Houser Jewelry Activation

We crafted these stop-motion animations using Houser's custom made rings to post in their social media channels. Gallery example

Houser Jewelry Activation

We crafted these stop-motion animations using Houser's custom made rings to post in their social media channels. Jewelry animation example

MH Law Brand Launch

Attorney Michael Healey needed to develop a complete brand identity and site. We worked closely with him to launch his new firm.

MH Law Brand Launch

We developed an identity kit to position the firm as modern and forward-thinking. Several rounds of designs resulted in a logo that incorporated sophisticated colors and typeface paired with black background and border to ground the design and give it weight. Home page example

MH Law Brand Launch

A welcome video gave prospective clients a chance to get to know the attorney, and they could explore the various specialties of the firm. Gallery example

MH Law Brand Launch

Full site design included still photography and video produced by A Running Go. Gallery example

Clear Dwelling Site Design

Our friends at Clear Dwelling needed a website to showcase their talents as a staging company that helps people sell their homes. Swipe left to see how we used clean and inviting design to give their business a boost.

Clear Dwelling

To showcase the big difference staging can make, we created a before and after slider. Home page example

Clear Dwelling

A mosaic-style gallery gave the design an open and creative feel. Gallery example

Clear Dwelling

Users can click into each house and explore the different rooms. Gallery example

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